Improve your football game and your value to the team by memorizing and ready to execute your football playbook. Standard memorizing tools like flash cards and practice will help get you through any size playbook.
If you want to play to your full potential on the field, memorize that playbook quickly and thoroughly.
You Will Need
* A football playbook
* Index cards
* A recording device
* Space to run plays
* Video of teams running plays (optional)
Step 1: Know what the name means
Learn why the play is named what it is named. A play is often named after what it is designed to do.
If a play is named after a team who uses the play, try to get a video of the play executed by that team.
Step 2: Make playbook flash cards
Make playbook flash cards by putting the name of the play on one side of an index card and a diagram of the play along with a description on the reverse.
Step 3: Test your knowledge
Guess what the play is after looking at the name side of the card. Repeat this process until you can describe every play correctly.
Step 4: Record the names of the plays on a voice recorder
Record yourself calling out plays on a portable voice recorder. Find space, listen to the calling of the plays, and pretend to execute your job in the play.
Step 5: Continue to test yourself
Test yourself frequently. There may be plays your coach never calls, but could call unexpectedly later in the season.
Homer Jones of the New York Giants became the first NFL player to spike a football in 1965.
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